Setup Anti everyone per server and manage whitelist!
Setup antilink per server!
set up a configurable antinuke which will prevent unauthorized bans/kicks/channel creations/etc
enabling antiraid will prevent users from joining the server
Setup antiwords per server!
This blocks every slang/word in Discord API that is flagged as antiword!
sets up a channel to send anime pics randomly
sets up a channel to send banners randomly
sets up a channel to pfps randomly
Setup auto reactions per server!
Create a autoresponder to respond to triggers automatically
Set up a join role to give a role to new users
Create auto-posting channels
sets up a channel to send wallpapers randomly
set up boost messages
create your own commands for your server
Edit an embed
sets perms in everyone role
set up a message to send to users privately on join
sends deleted messages to a channel
Nukes the channel and recreates a clone
Set up ping messages upon user join.
configure settings for the bot prefix in a server
setup reactionroles
reset the icon of a role
send a button with a link to an embed
set the icon of the server
set the banner of the server
Set a new server name
change the server invite background
Set up or remove a message to be sent to a specific channel upon reaching a certain number of reactions.
testwelcome members
send content through webhooks
setup welcome messages
This command likely retrieves the historical avatars (profile pictures) of a user within a Discord server.
It shows the number of boosts a Discord server has received. Boosting a server is a feature in Discord where users can support a server with additional benefits.
Displays information about the Discord bot such as its version, creator, and possibly statistics about its usage
Provides an invite link for adding the bot to a Discord server.
Lists the bots present in the Discord server.
view the amount of commands you used
Displays information about who developed and contributed to the Discord bot.
Provides information or a link for users to donate to support the development and maintenance of the bot.
A command used to create rich embeds for messages in Discord.
Get data about the given emoji.
Lists all the emojis available in the server.
Displays a list of available commands or provides help information on how to use specific commands.
Views users in a specific role
Get Links To Invite Me :D
Shows Users Joined Through Someone's Invites
View the leaderboard of users with the most messages
Displays the current number of members in the Discord server.
view the amount of messages a user has
Show all names you have had
Diplays the oldest account in the server
Checks the response time of the Discord bot.
Provides information about a specific role in the Discord server.
Lists all the roles available in the Discord server.
Displays general information about the Discord server.
Retrieves information about a specific sticker in the server.
get a link to the support server
Gets tos of discord bot `port`
bug report command
Shows how long the bot have been online
Get info about your account or mentioned user's account!
returns vanity link and uses
Diplays the youngest account in the server
Stop the bot from playing a random song.
Set Music Filter
Shows all commands
Get information about a specific album.
Get information about a specific artist.
Get FM Chart.
Show the most recent tracks scrobbled by a user.
Get similar artists to a specified artist.
Get information about a specific track.
Show current song
Shows all commands
Loops / Repeat the Music
Pause the currently playing song
Play some music.
Show the current queue.
Resume the currently paused song
Skip the current music.
Stop the music player.
Change the music player's volume.
Remove all roles from a user
Displays the last actions taken in the server's audit logs
Ban anyone from a server
shows the amount of users banner in a server
purge messages from bots
clears messages
Clear the latest sniped message.
copies a embed
snipes an edited message.
searches through emojis from a random api
Ban and remove a user from the server
hides all channels
Prevents a user from sending embed links and attachments in the server.
Allows a previously muted user to send embed links and attachments in the server.
jails the specified member (sets up upon first use)
shows number of people jailed
Kick a user from the server
locks a specific channel
locks all channels
Mass drags people from a voice channel.
Mutes the specified user
Sets Or Changes Nickname Of An User
Kick inactive users who have been inactive for 30 days or more from the server.
Deletes messages from a channel
Snipes a reaction on the last message.
Send an invite link to a previously banned user.
Add or remove a role to a user
Add or remove a role to everyone
Shows or sets an icon for a role
Set slowmode in the channel
Snipe a recently deleted message
Softban a user from the server
Add Multiple Emojis at once
clone a embed from the channel server
Steals a sticker and adds it to the server quickly
Timeout the specified user
Unbans a banned user
unban all banned users
unhides all channels
Unjail the specified user.
unlocks channel
unlocks all channels
unmutes a specified user
Remove timeout from the specified user
Displays the last actions taken by a specific user in the server's audit logs
shows moderation commands related to voice
asks a message from 8ball
manipulates user avatar
manipulates user avatar
You have 10 seconds to say a word containing the given group of 3 letters. Failure to do so within the 10 seconds will lose a life.
manipulates user avatar
boops a user
manipulates user avatar
it just claps words lmao
Makes a webhook to impersonate someone
connect4 in discord!
Create Custom Memes
Roll a die for you!!
manipulates user avatar
manipulates user avatar
shows gayrate of a user
greets a user
spoofs hacks a user
handholds a user
highfives a user
hugs a user
manipulates user avatar
iq rates user
kills a user
kisses a user
Get all the available meme templates
transfers owner to another user as a spoof
pats a user
penis rates user
tells you or a users pp size
punches a user (nibras asked me to create punch command)
Sends a random cat picture.
Sends a random dog picture.
Sends a random fox picture.
Gives you a randomized nickname
manipulates user avatar
haves a match of RockPaperScissors with a user
haves sex with a user
simprate rates user
slaps a user
Sends a random trivia question with multiple-choice options.
Tic Tac Toe in discord!
widens an avatar
Watch Youtube in Discord Voice Channel
sets up afk in a server
generates ai generated images
Get info about an anime
View a user's avatar
Shows the banner of a user
opens calculator in discord.
shows a color through a color code
check specific crypto currencies value
Give information about urban words!
admin only make embed command
Converting Server emoji to PNG/GIF!
Returns first message of that channel
view information on a github account
Fetch images from Google
Get the information about series and movie
Find out some nice Instagram statistics
Get detailed information on a public IP address
Read text from an image using OCR
List the server permissions of mentioned user or provided ID
Get information on a Pinterest user
shows pictures from pinterest
Get information on a PlayStation profile
Shows specified users presence
Reads or makes a qr
makes quickpolls in a message form
Set reminders for yourself or others.
Search for similar images on the internet using reverse image search